Evangelical Pioneers

Wednesday, May 13, 1931 9:00 AM


BY John W Flucke

Originally published by

Eden Publishing House l7l2 Chouteau Ave

St Louis, MO.

Republished by

St Charles Co Genealogical Soc

P.O.Box 715

St Charles,MO. 63302


A copy of an original book in the library of Rev H A Krieger of the Friedens (Peace) United Church of Christ New Melle, Missouri we have chosen to put two gages of the original 5 x 7 book on one 81/2 x 11. AII blank pages are intentional, and were blank in the original.

An every name index has been added, including the name of each area represented by those names. The location is by State (MO, Femme Osage) as well as Femme Osage MO. Page number is that of the original book.

Originally published by the Eden Publishing House, this reproduction has been sanctioned by the Eden Seminary of St Louis who non owns the copyright.

Layout work was done by Ray and Colleen Schaeper, Bob and Gay Hillmann and Lucille Wiechens, and index was made by Colleen Schaeper of the Society.

Reprinted in 1993 by:


P.O. Box 715

St Charles, MO 63302-0715


These biographical sketches of some of our outstanding "Evangelical Pioneers" were written by Rev. John W. Flucke, of Kingfisher, Okla, upon suggestion and request of Rev. H. L. Streich, the Executive Secretary of our Evangelical Brotherhood and Women's Union. They are intended for study classes among adult and young people's groups of our churches. The author has succeeded admirably in presenting many interesting facts, resulting from careful study of all available sources, in clear and concise language and in correct historical setting.

It is not only highly desirable that our Evangelical people acquaint themselves with the life and work, the goals and self-denials of those men and women to whom may be traced to a large extent the preservation and development of Evangelical faith and practice on the part of our forebears in this land of their adoption, but it is unquestionably incumbent upon present-day Evangelical leadership that it call attention to these adventures of faith of the past generation in order to incite the present and coming generations to a like spirit of willing sacrifice and whole-hearted service, as has been given such noble expression in the efforts put forth by these Evangelical Pioneers.

May the blessing of the Lord of the Church accompany this little volume upon its journeys into our churches and church organizations, into our homes and parsonages and into our personal thought-life!

C. W. Locher, President, Evangelical Synod of N. A.

May 13, 1931.


At the request of the Rev. H. L. Streich, executive secretary of the Evangelical Brotherhood and the Evangelical Women's Union, I have attempted to present in these pages a series of biographical sketches of Eangelical pioneers.

No effort has been made to rank these men in the order of their importance. The arrangement would come nearer being chronological. Nor is the fact that one sketch is longer than another of any significance other than insofar as it indicates to what extent source material was available. Especially do I wish to emphasize that I have made no effort to write about every Evangelical pioneer. Certainly there must have been, and were, other pioneers whose names we honor concerning whom, unfortunately. little or no material seemed available. Nothing should please me more than to have someone else write a sequel to "Evangelical Pioneers" telling us about "Other Evangelical Pioneers."

In presenting this little volume, I do not claim to be making an original contribution to Evangelical church history. My work has been that of a translator and editor rather than that of an author. The material for these biographical sketches has long been available in the German language. My aim has been to make it available to that ever-growing circle of Evangelical people for whom German is a foreign tongue or who have had no access to the German material which I have used.

In presenting this little volume, I do not claim to be making an original contribution to Evangelical church history. My work has been that of a translator and editor rather than that of an author. The material for these biographical sketches has long been available in the German language. My aim has been to make it available to that ever-growing circle of Evangelical people for whom German is a foreign tongue or who have had no access to the German material which I have used.

The volume is arranged especially for study-groups. It is hoped that the "Suggestions for Further Study or Discussion" given at the end of each chapter will be helpful. I strongly recommend that they be used by all study classes.

With the prayer that as it tells its story of the boundless love, dauntless courage, and limitless energy of the pioneers of our faith, the book may awaken in many hearts a greater love for the Master and a greater zeal for His work. I send the little volume on its way.

John W. Flucke.

Kingfisher, Oklahoma.

New Year's Day, 1931.