Reformation Sunday - October 30

Sunday, October 30, 2022 10:15 AM

Monday, October 31st, is Reformation Day, which we will observe on Sunday of Oct. 30th. Reformation day traces back to Oct. 31st, 1517, when Catholic Priest, Martin Luther, nailed a list of 95 complaints against the Holy Roman Catholic Church, on the doors of his parish - Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.

Part of the Protestant Reformation was the recovery of the Core Teachings of: 1) God’s Grace Alone; 2) which we can only receive by Faith Alone; 3) a Faith which is placed in Jesus Christ Alone; 4) as inerrantly and infallibly testified to us in the Bible Alone; and 5) all of which gives the Glory, Honor and Praise back to our Triune God (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) Alone. Theses 5 “Alones” or “Solas” form the basis of our Protestant Christian Faith and Practice.

So this year we will celebrate Reformation Sunday with a service that lifts up each of the 5 Core Teachings of our Reformation Faith (Evangelical – that is Lutheran and Reformed), along with singing Reformation Hymns of Grace, Faith, Christ, Scripture and God’s Glory.

So come and join us and bring your family and friends. And bring your singing and praising voice as well.