10 Days of Prayer
Wednesday, October 2, 2024 6:05 AM
10 Days of Prayer, Oct. 2-11
The following is taken from https://www.10days.net
Moments arise when individuals and groups of people empowered by the Holy Spirit are called for such a time as this to rise up as one, lift our voices, and stand for righteousness amid moral decay, political corruption, and societal decline. God urges Jesus followers to refuse silence and complacency, to grasp the hour's urgency, knowing our prayers and actions can change history and leave a lasting impact.
The 10 Days movement gathers communities, cities, nations and regions to deepen our unity as the Body of Christ for an annual season of fasting, prayer, repentance, waiting on God yearning for the fulfillment of His promises and the return of Our Beloved Bridegroom.
Pray not only for yourself, but also for your community, your state and nation, and for every people and place that God’s Kingdom comes and His will is done on earth as in Heaven.
What is 10 Days? What would it look like if you took 10 Days and gave them completely to God, setting aside normal patterns of life, work, school, and entertainment? How would it look if your family, your church, and your entire city did the same?
10 Days is consecrated time, holy time, a Sabbath time. It is time for people to commune with God and discover one another in the light of His face. Simply put, life looks different during 10 Days. 10 Days is time set apart to seek God with mourning, fasting, and repentance.
10 Days of Prayer correspond to the Jewish calendar. The evening (starting at sundown) of Oct. 2 is the Jewish New Year or Day of Trumpets, called “Rosh HaShannah.” The evening of Oct. 11 is the Jewish Day of Atonement, called “Yom Kippur.” And the 10 days, Oct. 2 through Oct. 11, are called the “Days of Awe.”
Prophetically, the Jewish “fall feasts” of Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles (Oct. 16-23 this year) speak of the second coming of Christ.
Our Evangelical Association is asking all of its churches, pastors, and people to participate in the 10 Days of Prayer. Join us as at Zion as we meet for prayer from 7:05 to 7:20 p.m. on each evening from Oct. 2 through 11. We have downloaded the prayer guide and other materials and will use these as guides for our Prayer time.