Beliefs & Constitution

A brief history of Zion Church

1. In 1835 Zion Church was established by German immigrants as an Evangelical - Lutheran and Reformed union - Church.

2. Zion joined with similar churches in the growing Evangelical Synod of North America which was established in 1840.

3. In 1934 Zion joined the Evangelical and Reformed Church, which was formed by the merger of the Evangelical Synod of North

    America and the Reformed Church in the United States (founded in America in 1726).

4. In 1957 Zion entered into the denominational merger of the Evangelical & Reformed Church and many Congregational Christian

    Churches that formed the United Church of Christ (UCC).

5. In 2005 Zion withdrew from the UCC over conflict with doctrinal, social and moral issues, in order to restore our Evangelical and

    Reformed faith and heritage.

6. In 2012 Zion joined similarly minded churches in the Evangelical Association of Reformed and Congregational Christian

    Churches (founded in 1998).

Rev. Darrell Weber has Ministerial Standing with:

and the Evangelical Association (,

More information about the doctrinal standards of the above association and denomination can be found by going to the listed websites.

Essentials of Our Faith

A. Summary Statement of Faith:

1. We believe the Bible, consisting of the Old and New Testaments, to be the only inspired, inerrant, infallible, authoritative Word of God.

2. We believe in the Trinity, one God in three persons (Father, Son and Holy Spirit).

3. We believe in the deity of Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His

    shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.

4. We believe in the substitutionary death and atonement of Jesus Christ (who was sinless and righteous) for humanity (which is sinful and

    unrighteous). There is only one way to Salvation - through faith in Jesus Christ.

5. We believe in the regeneration of believing sinners by the work of the Holy Spirit. This is done by God’s Grace (free gift) alone, which we

    receive by Faith (receiving and trusting) alone, in Jesus Christ alone.

6. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by Whose indwelling power and fullness the Christian is enabled to live a godly life

    in this present evil world.

7. We believe in the participation in two sacraments, Baptism and Holy Communion.

a. On Baptism: Our Church practices Infant Baptism, but also provides for the baptism of adults. The mode of baptism is that of sprinkling

    rather than of immersion. However, we recognize the validity of baptism by immersion. We do not believe any amount of water provides

    Salvation, but rather one's personal faith and trust in the Person and Work of Christ Jesus.

b. Regarding Holy Communion: We practice Open Communion for all those who profess to belong to Christ. The Apostle Paul under the

    guidance of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 11) admonishes all to examine themselves to see whether they are in the Christian Faith before

    eating and drinking of the Lord's Supper. We are human and cannot read the hearts of men to see if they are in the Christian Faith, thus we

    ask each to examine themselves before partaking of Holy Communion.

8. We believe that the mission of the Church is to spread the Good News of the Gospel of salvation in every word and deed. We are sent by

    Christ into all the world to proclaim the atoning death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and to bring every person into a life of faith,

    discipleship and submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

9. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the

    resurrection of damnation.

10. We believe in the spiritual unity of all believers in Christ.

11. We believe in the Biblical guidelines for human sexuality: marriage as the union of one man and one woman, fidelity and holiness in

    marriage and chastity outside of marriage for the sake of the Kingdom.

12. We believe in the sanctity of human life based on our creation in the image of God and our election by God for service in His Kingdom.

    This leads us to respectfully affirm sanctity at every stage of human life.

B. Summary of Zion’s Heritage, Theology and Faith:

Zion Evangelical Church, as a part of the Evangelical Church, defines the term ‘Evangelical Church’ as denoting that branch of the Christian Church which acknowledges the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the Word of God, the sole and infallible guide of faith and life, and accepts the interpretation of the Holy Scriptures as given in the symbolic books of the Lutheran and the Reformed Church, the most important being: The Augsburg Confession, Luther’s, the Heidelberg and the Evangelical Catechisms, insofar as they agree; but where they disagree the Zion Evangelical Church adheres strictly to the passages of Holy Scriptures bearing on the subject, and avails itself of the liberty of conscience prevailing in the Evangelical Church.


As members of Zion Church we commit ourselves to faithfully keep these commitments before God. We will recommit ourselves to these each time we welcome new members into Zion Church. Under the Headship of Jesus Christ, we do prayerfully covenant before God and with one another:

1.     To glorify God by:

    a.     Obeying and submitting to His Word and indwelling Spirit.

    b.     Seeking to grow toward maturity in Christ Jesus.

    c.     Loving God with all our being.

    d.     Growing in our knowledge of God and His Word, the Bible.

2.     To build up the body of Christ by:

    a.     Acting in love towards other Christians.

    b.     Putting away all bitterness and forgiving as God has forgiven us.

    c.     Maintaining unity in love.

    d.     Praying for one another.

    e.     Refusing to participate in gossip, slander, or speaking against one another.

    f.     Seeking to help one another grow toward maturity in Christ.

    g.     Being faithful in our attendance.

    h.     Giving regularly in financial support of the Church as God provides the ability.

    i.     Being equipped to minister to one another.

    j.     Being supportive of all Church ministries.

    k.     Following the leaders God has given us.

    l.     Humbly accepting prayerful Biblical discipline.

3.     To reach the lost with the Gospel of Christ by:

    a.     Building relationships with non-Christians.

    b.     Acting in love toward our unsaved neighbors.

    c.     Sharing the Gospel of Christ.

    d.     Inviting the un-churched to attend worship and other activities at Zion Evangelical Church.

    e.     Reaching out to guests, welcoming newcomers at Zion Evangelical Church.

For a full copy of our

Constitution and By-Laws,

click on the document below.

For a copy of the brochure

What Our Church Believes

click on the document below.