Zion Preschool

Zion Christian Pre-school

Days and Times are: MWF 8:15-11:15.

The Church Office phone number is 476-1778.

Preschool Info

Zion’s Christian Preschool’s hours are  Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8:15 - 11:15.

We follow the Millstadt Consolidated School Calendar


Preschool Goals

Provide a quality Christian preschool program for the child’s social, emotional, physical and intellectual growth.

Provide a planned environment designed to spark the child’s interest, imagination and enthusiasm, and to assist him or her in moving from one successful learning experience to another.

Provide a supplement for the child’s home life by assisting the child in love for the Lord.

Our religious policy is to acknowledge Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord.

Children will be introduced to Jesus’ offer of salvation by His Grace - since we all fall short of God’s perfection, and are in need of Jesus’ saving Grace.

Sheila Peters

Preschool Teacher


Marcia Twellman

Preschool Aide

Updated 01/31/25